Autor: Harald Etzemüller

4 talks

EULENGASSE will present 4 talks on Platforms Project NET 2021: 31.05. 18:00 h (Greek time), 17:00 h (german time) »No artist – no run«  Artist-run

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Peter Debusy (NEDE) My work shows a used rescue helmet from the early 80s, on which it is written „Beuys 2021“ on the left and

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Andrea Blumör   In May 1974, Joseph Beuys spent a week living with a coyote in New York’s René Block Gallery. „Coyote: I like America

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Una Araña

A Spider Claudia Barbera „A spider performs operations similar to those of the weaver, and and a bee puts many a human builder to shame

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Beuys and me

Beuys und ich 3 works on felt Petra Schott For me, Beuys is a liberator, a shaman, an artist, a visionary. He set a lot

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Beuys’s Intuition Box

Andrea Interschick My first contact with Beuys came as a teenager through my very art-interested stepfather Ernst Oldemeyer. He reported on various visits to the

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Sound drawing

Sound drawing white ink pencil on paper Video, 26 min, 2021 Helmut Werres Regarding Josef Beuys, I decided to draw one of his concerts –

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Jon Pahlow – Ja-Art nourishing values – a homage to joseph beuys on his 100th birthday 2021 beuys‘ economic values, consisting of products of the

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vestito dell’oro

vestito dell’oro – golden dress with Jon Pahlow Agnes Stockmann – Ja-Art venice in autumn 2017 venice – italy. place of longing – land of

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WE ARE WORTH IT Banknotes, stiching, 2021 Gözde Ju The work comprises banknotes from different countries. By using needle and thread, the sentence of »we

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An escape plan for post-art

1 VARELA, Francisco and Humberto Maturana. De Máquinas e Seres Vivos – Autopoiese – A Organização Do Vivo. Porto Alegre: Ed. Artes Médicas. 1997.
2 HEIDEGGER, Martin. Being and Time. Petrópolis: Vozes Publishing House, 2015. 

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Essenzen Treffen

Kunst in Schloss Homburg participates in the project „Tree Planting in Honour of Joseph Beuys“ in cooperation with Kulturverein Homburg, Triefenstein and Bürgermeisterin, Stadtkultur Bayern e.V., DASMAXIMUM, Traunreut, Date: 22. 10.2021

Kunst in Schloss Homburg beteiligt sich an dem Projekt »Baumpflanzung zu Ehren von Joseph Beuys« in Kooperation mit Kulturverein Homburg, Triefenstein und Bürgermeisterin, Stadtkultur Bayern e.V., DASMAXIMUM, Traunreut, Termin: 22. 10.2021

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Joseph Beuys, Underneath the Stars

Literature references:
Harlan, Rappmann, Schata: Soziale Plastik – Materialien zu Joseph Beuys. Achberger Publishing House 1976
Speech at the award ceremony of the Rudolf Alexander Schröder Foundation 1965 / Literature Prize of the Free and Hanseatic City of Bremen. In: Jahresring 1965/66, Stuttgart 1965, pp. 243-245.

Harlan, Rappmann, Schata: Soziale Plastik – Materialien zu Joseph Beuys. Achberger Verlag 1976
Rede zur Verleihung des Preises der Rudolf-Alexander-Schröder-Stiftung 1965 / Literaturpreis der Freien und Hansestadt Bremen. In: Jahresring 1965/66, Stuttgart 1965, S. 243-245.

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