Petra Kammann Harald Etzemüller Sabine Imhof Vládmir Combre de Sena 07.06. 18:00 h (Greek time), 17:00 h (german time) »Beuys 100.« Hats off – heads
Petra Kammann Harald Etzemüller Sabine Imhof Vládmir Combre de Sena 07.06. 18:00 h (Greek time), 17:00 h (german time) »Beuys 100.« Hats off – heads
03.06. 18:00 h (Greek time), 17:00 h (german time) »Refugee stories« Afghan artists and non-artists in diaspora Speakers: Rahulla Torabi (visual artist and mechanic), member
EULENGASSE will present 4 talks on Platforms Project NET 2021: 31.05. 18:00 h (Greek time), 17:00 h (german time) »No artist – no run« Artist-run
An escape plan for post-art – Um plano de fuga para depois da arte – Ein Fluchtplan für die Zeit nach der Kunst Watch
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